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My Morning Routine

Writer: Michelle O.Michelle O.

Updated: Mar 28, 2020

Im sure everyone that doesn’t currently have a morning routine has seen or heard about it and its importance to those that do have one, and might be wondering what one is structured like and the how and why, so I’m going to share my current one. Before that tho I am going to talk a little about the why before getting into the how. Especially seeing how the nation is currently quarantined its of utmost importance to move around and get into nature or outside in some safe way in order to stay healthy and save your sanity.I t’s 1 of the only things I feel I have control over in our current situation

Majority of our most successful & well known public figures, influencers, and leaders have some sort of morning routine and its not a coincidence. Tony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama, and Richard Branson just to name a few. The positive effects of getting up early, making your bed, and moving your body has been proven in multiple studies to help them and all of us gain time, produce much needed endorphins like serotonin which help you monitor your stress levels, and have even shown to make us less likely to be forgetful and over time improve mental health. I’m sure it doesn’t start that way if you don’t consider yourself a morning person cuz trust me it took some doing in order for me to get there lol. I remember when 10 am was what my alarm was set at! I can’t even imagine that now in my current reality that now consists of a 4 am wake up call! It took a while to get there I don’t always want to get up early or workout. I def had to train myself over a period of time. Which is longer than just 30 days to build a new habit, it actually takes a little more than 60 days-66 days to be exact… which is probably why the 30 day weightless challenge see a lot more ppl falling back into the shape or habits they were prior in. they only did the work half the amount of time it takes for their new way of life and cognitive wiring to fully be retrained and rewired physically and most importantly physiologically. So if you really want to see results in any goal that you decide to set for yourself its best to at least start with at least a 66 day commitment. But, like sobriety it starts with just one day. One day at a time can be applied to literally any and every goal you make for yourself! It allows you to not beat yourself up over any mistakes you made yesterday or future trip abut anything that may overwhelm you tomorrow. Its pretty cool to see how our principles are utilized and embedded in so many self help and improvement courses and programs whether the creators or clients realize it or not.

Normally My wife commutes out to her work over an hour here at the DOE site in Nevada so 4 am didn’t necessarily start out by choice but I’ve learned to love and embrace it as my new norm. I get so much more done and am so much more relaxed and aligned when I am able to get everyone and myself aligned and focused before starting our work and education day. Even on our days off I am mindful to not neglectmy routine. If anything I find it more imperative because the temptation to sleep in is real!

I think it is crucial to implement Routines in sobriety especially early sobriety, even if you’re not on the sober train Morning routines are for everyone! While I was detoxing there were times I felt moving my body and taking long walks or jogs were my only time of true clarity and stability! I could get into my body as opposed to being inside my head. Ya I’m really into fitness and nutrition but the benefits of a simple yoga flow or a long walk can prove to be just as beneficial for your health and wellness.

So here’s my current routine- it works for me & I hope you create 1 that works for you or you can steal mine

So I’ve had this strong morning routine for almost 2.5 years & it’s been modified as life & circumstances change. I’ve had to adapt & modify but I’ve always prioritized having a morning routine since getting sober. Its definitely grown in the past two years and I started off pretty basic with only making my bed and going for a run or lifting initially.

💫M-Th I set my alarm to 4 am. Like I said My spouse works early (& my youngest son aid a sophomore) & I like to make her coffee & their lunches before they go to work & school (which are now at home but I still do it) ya that’s right - I keep my original schedule aside from working out of the house despite being quarantined right now as well. Jess sleeps until 6 now but I still get up before her so I can get my rituals as much out of the way as possible so that we can be on somewhat of the same schedule on the days she works. I automatically wake up between 3 or 4 naturally every am anyways because I am usually in bed by 7 or 8 so its really just been my body waking me up. My mind is tempted to stay in bed but I resist the temptation as much as I can although sometimes I do find myself scrolling for beauty products and supplies in bed while my brain catches up. But no emails or social media.


💫I automatically say “thank you” in my head 3 times and list 3 quick things I’m grateful for: Shelter Spouse Sons I keep it simple-sometimes just food water coffee puppies pop iin2 my head-or just for being alive on my slower mornings. Especially lately - things we use 2 take for granted are @ the forefront of my gratitude list! I then hop on my phone to only look up the AA meditation for the day before I get out of bed. Sometimes I have to read it a few times before it sticks.

First thing I do after getting out of bed is make it unless Jess is in it then I just make my side-my first accomplishment is then done and it sets the tone for the day plus helps me ease my ocd a little

💫I go 2 my mini monument w/ all of my crystals sage & salt lamp & burn sage & Palo Santo, grab a hold of the crystals -which we have scattered throughout our house and we set out during full moons real witchy like lol- that draw me & ask for strength for my day. Crystals are proven to be the most organized structures in nature and believed to reorganize and calm the chaos that comes from being human. And Ya I close my eyes I’m corny. And some people may not believe in superstition or crystal or sage energy and that’s cool, but seeing how this is a spiritual program it really started opening my mind to things I use to think were silly prior to finding a higher power. And even if you may not believe in things that aren’t necessarily science based (altho there is some science behind crystal energy) just putting yourself into a mindset of hope faith and belief is proven to elevate your mood which therefor elevates your day and your life if you are consistent with it.

I say thank you a few more times in my mind to get myself in a state of gratitude. I believe that having an attitude of gratitude (which my dad said for decades and I never understood until I got sober) is the most beneficial attitude and lifestyle you can have. The mental state and energy vibe that comes from just staying in gratitude makes it almost impossible to stay in any negative thoughts throughout your day.

💫I go to my sink & wash my face w all @pcaskin products (I brought home a ton of supplies from the spa-remember I’m an esthetician and a skin geek and have def upped my skin care routine while in quarantine-i have some goals for my skin during this time so I’ve been pretty over the top with it now That I have all this time and normally specifically in clinic use products at my disposal-I’m definitely taking advantage as I find myself not utilizing all of the same products at home that I provide for my clients. Which is part of my personality that I’m working on to not always put my needs last in this area. I always put my clients first and that’s great but I need to not neglect or deny myself of the same great treatments I provide for others, which is normally a little difficult because its way expensive to have double the product so when I’m actually working I’ve been showing up makeup free and early to the spa so I can fit this new habit in before I provide it for others. Self care is so essential to me and it should be to you too. Never feel guilty for taking care of yourself! It does not make you vain or superficial and even if you identify as such I don’t judge because I can a lot of times relate, but I take pride in helping myself and others feel comfortable in their own skin, and whether we like it or not appearance does play a part in how we are treated by and treat others. It shouldn’t be the most important aspect of our culture, but at the very least we have an obligation to take care of ourselves and our body and model that for others and our skin happens to be the biggest organ of our body and a huge indication for our overall health. I mean there are some genetically blessed ppl we all know that treat their skin and body like shit and look and say they feel amazing but it always catches up with us so why not start now? Starting with drinking half your body weight in oz of water a day and wearing sunscreen.

I use my tongue scraper I got on amazon before I take my vitamins & @ora.organicvitamins and drink at least a bottle of water. Not just for fresh breath but 2 detox my tongue & not swallow all the gunk that builds up while sleeping. On a side note Lately I’ve been trying to remember to dry brush my body before I shower or get in bed for at least 5-10 minute to help with stimulation and circulation and its suppose to help tighten your skin so of course I’m down with that! Anything skin related as an esthetician is my jam

These are both Ayurvedic practices which were instilled in me more so after being trained at Aveda, which is a derivative of the word Ayurvedic, and also I do mad essential oils since going to school there. I use to call it snake oil but now its a part of my every day routine in our home. The fam deals with it altho not happily sometimes depending on the aroma lol.


💫Before I get on any emails or social media I have only read from my online daily meditation & then my Keep It Simple book for the daily prayer which is always eerily in line with where I’m at in life! Choose whichever one works for you but I read a short one while I’m still waking up & my longer book meditation when I’m more awake after working out. Its so important to me that I don’t get caught up in work emails or scrolling before I’m done with my routine and I encourage you to start setting these boundaries for yourself as well. Social media can be such a time such and so negative esp first thing in the morning and this is your time!

💫I pop my earbuds in & listen 2 morning priming from @drshannonirvine I will put the link in the notes its amazing! afterwards find an inspirational podcast so my mind is immediately uplifted & motivated & makes me feel like I have friends😂. my son thinks the amount of podcasts I listen to is borderline unhealthy but damn I learn so much and get so inspired so I’m not slowing down any time soon. My current favs are @manifestationbabe @stacytuschl @stefaniegass @thelashpreneur @jameswedmore Rachel hollis and brene brown, the last two I know for sure are in recovery and that’s something that makes me obsess over them that much more

💫I bring my sage and palo Santo w/me all thru the house & downstairs to feed the puppies, grind & start our coffee—I put cacao cinnamon and stevia in mine so it tastes like a low carb mocha, plus cacao has been proven to elevate your mood and stimulate blood flow and I will take any excuse to consume chocolate -I like fresh ground coffee from whole beans that I keep in our fridge as to minimize the build up of mold and acidity which causes inflammation in our bodies. Inflammation is a huge red flag in our home as my wife has RA but should be something we all watch out for which is why I started using and retailing a non thc cbd line in our home and our spa, even for our dogs, altho due to working for the govt jess can’t take it unfortunately , our Datsun was temporarily paralyzed until we started giving her the companys cbd for pups and now she can even walk upstairs. Little wonky but she’s made so much progress I’m super grateful for Soul Tender wellness. She’s a doc out of Tahoe that used this formula to help her beat cancer and has it clinically tested in a lab to make sure there’s no thc so I’m so down with that. Anyone interested just shoot me a dm btw I can hook ya up! Then I start up our essential oil diffusers. We have 3 & have been using a lot of diff oils & especially lately the thieves line from @youngliving .

💫I wash & sanitize my hands between everything & sanitize all the counters & after I put out my sage I lysol all handles. This has always been something I’ve done to an extent but definitely more so now.


💫I go back upstairs & journal, just a free flow of the things I’m grateful for now and the things I prime myself to believe are happening now altho they’re still in my future. I try to summon the feelings of how I would feel if all of my dreams and goals were already in my hands. That whole be do have mentality that’s a part of so many manifestation practices but also keeping me in line with my state of gratitude. Don’t worry about what isn’t in your reality yet, just have faith and release the how and write down all of the things that would be true if your dream future was your reality. This is one of my favorite things I do in the am. I don’t write in full sentences mostly just key words and its pretty much the same every day. Dream BIG! Be audacious and don’t let your limiting beliefs or critical voice in your head stop your flow. This is my time to use my imagination and put it down on paper. You have to write it out and put it out into the universe. Claim it. Say it out loud if you don’t feel self conscious or you’re alone. Be specific as possible! And small dreams and goals can go here too. There really are no rules, make it your own but try to make it something that sets you up for success if you’re truly striving for these things

I then foam roll, do a quick yoga flow, and stretch before I do my core exercises. I have a bad back and do a lot of sitting when I’m working so keeping my back strong and my hips stretched, which have a huge impact on your back health is a must before I do anything physical.

💫I got through my core routine 3 times & add weights in between. I have free weights and kettlebells in my room and resistance bands for when we don’t go down to the clubhouse gym-which is not at all right now as all gyms are closed. We even have a 2 year membership at lvac which I’m pissed we paid for before we found out our neighborhood had a gym, plus I’m not into meat market gyms anymore so I wish we wouldn’t have done that but oh well we were excited to be in a big gym when we first moved back from small town east Idaho so it was def an impulse buy. I think I might take advantage of the group classes tho when its back up and running after being away from ppl so long I’m kinda inclined to be around some group energy if I’m being honest. Plus I work out harder in a setting that isn’t necessarily competitive but of course to me in my mind I’m competing haha. After my workout is done I stand on my head or use my inversion table for as long as I can stand to get my blood flowing to my head.


💫I then get my puppers ready for our walk. I push them in a stroller since our Datsun is still partially paralyzed but doing so much better but that’s still too much for her to walk on hard surfaces for extended period of time. They’re so excited for stroll time tho and I like how they bring so much joy and smiles to others while we are out in the neighborhood. It was in my journal for so long, well over a year to be a frenchie mom and breeder as we already had weenie the Datsun and have more than one of them and now I’m that crazy puppy stroller lady and I’m totally ok w it


💫I walk them up our neighborhood hills for at least 30 min and uphill as much as possible which is easy since its all hills. You have to break some sort if sweat and lose your breath in order to get the full benefits of moving your body. Its not just for your weight and esthetic goals but its also proven to extend your life by putting your body through this type of stress and forcing it to adapt. Some doctors say at least for 40 min but start small babe. As long as you start


💫I like setting my intention & getting in front of my thinking before exposing myself & my mind to the world even if it’s mostly online right now. 2 hours might seem long but it’s possible. Do what works for you of course but I started getting up earlier & earlier once experiencing how beneficial this has been for my sanity!

I also have an evening priming and meditations I go through before bed, which is usually between 7-8, when I’m feeling wild 9, and I sometimes journal before bed as well to celebrate my wins and do a mini inventory which if you’re in the program you’re familiar with. I try not to go to bed with any resentments or amends to make. Sometimes I write out my to do list for the next day in the notes in my phone but I try not to do that last because then its going to program me to be worrying about that as opposed to focusing on all of the things I got done or the goals I got closer to that day. I think it’s important to go to sleep on that note.

And get some sleep! As much as this routine is geared towards elevating your energy and productivity, you gat learn to shut it down and prioritize sleep or you won’t get to your optimal levels in regards to any of this. Sleep is so important. I remember times in my life that I abused myself by not sleeping enough when I was all amped up on stimulates, coke adderal etc, and other times when I would be so doped up on downers or alcohol or depressed I would sleep for days, sometimes going multiple days without getting out of bed showering or looking in a mirror. Neither of these habits are beneficial to your mental and physical health whether it be drug induced or not. I would go so long without sleeping my brain would start misfiring. I would literally hallucinate-i think more so from lack of sleep than drugs. It was a horrible feeling. There has to be a balance of rest and movement in every aspect of your life and mind. Get at least 6-8 hours of sleep and move your body for at least 30 min a day


Go after your routine like you do your sobriety or your work. A lot of the time the best things for us are things we don’t want to do or procrastinate to start, but once u do u wonder why I didn’t start earlier. I know it can be hard if you’re not use to spending quality time with yourself but trust me its a game changer. Sleeping in can feel like a gift or a hug you’re giving yourself and can be done once in a while but even when you do you can still implement your routine even if its shortened. Esp if you’re like me and use to putting others and work first. I don’t always want to work out or journal or even get out of bed, but for the most part, with the way my life is now I’m excited to get up and start my day! I have to be super intentional about not doing work related activities first but I definitely see how I have been showing up for work and others esp my family with so much more grace, patience, and love when I extend it to myself first!


I hope this was helpful and if you have any takeaways or questions be sure to dm me on instagram @thesobermompreneur or email me at and tell me how your morning routine is going! Have a stellar day and remember we did not come this far to only come this far


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